The Foundation Education Board of Directors is accepting tax deductible contributions from individuals, organizations, private and public companies to support this effort. All donations, big or small, are appreciated. All donations are tax deductible under the U.S. tax code. For special arrangements, please e-mail:
Please mail donations to:
Richard Mosher
Treasurer, ISSAEF
577 S Carriage Crossing
Nixa, MO 65714
PayPal Giving Fund Donations
If you are a PayPal member, you can donate directly to ISSAEF and have 100% of your donation go directly to us via the PayPal Giving Fund. Check it out at Enter “ISSA” to find us.

Giving Assistant Donations
Shop at online sites associated with Giving Assistant and Giving Assistant will make a donation to the ISSA Education Foundation. Many of your normal purchases will apply, and the Foundation will receive a small donation from each. Check it out at